Following the launch of the Yasian Foundation, we are thrilled to announce the Yasian Foundation Student Scholarship, a golden opportunity for high-performing KCPE (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) students to soar higher and achieve their academic dreams. Following the leadership of the founder, Mr. James Pan, the Yasian Foundation believes that education is an investment for the future leaders of our nation. Through this scholarship, we aim to create a ripple effect of positive change, where empowered individuals contribute to building a better society.
At Yasian Foundation, we recognize and celebrate the exceptional achievements of students who have demonstrated outstanding performance in their KCPE examinations. If you’re a high-performing student with dreams of reaching new heights in your education, this scholarship is crafted just for you.
- The student must have sat for K.C.P.E in the year 2023 and acquired a minimum score of 400 marks.
- The student should demonstrate financial need (poor background).
- Copy of the student original K.C.P.E result slip.
- Administration letter.
- Copy of the applicant’s birth certificate.
- Copy of the applicant’s parents or guardians ID.
- Parent’s death certificate where applicable.
- Certified letter from the applicant’s primary school.
- Yasian scholarship application form, fully filled.
For more information on eligibility, you can download from here
Yasian Foundation’s commitment to education is embodied in the High School Scholarship Program. By applying, students have the opportunity to not only pursue their academic dreams but also contribute to building a more educated and empowered society.